Lozarn WinesKay's Legacy Red Blend 2021, 750ml
- R499
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Give your people what they *really* want — the pleasure of choosing a spoil from their fave kitchen and home store. You can create and send someone a Yuppiechef Gift Voucher instantly by email or choose to print it at home as a card. With over 80 designs from which to choose, you'll be sure to find the perfect match for your someone special.
A personal touch is what makes a gift even more special to the receiver. Each of our gifts comes with a handwritten card with your individual gift message on it. Simply mark your order as a gift and include your message at Checkout. We'll write it out on one of our designer cards, and pop it in the box.
Looking for carefully curated, unique gifts to impress your clients and customers? We can help. We have a range of beautifully suited gifts to help you say "We appreciate you!" in the best way possible. Or you can sign up to our Trade Partner programme to chat to our team about bigger orders.