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Art of Baking - Cake recipes


Elaiyarani S | 26 Mar 2019 in Cooking School | 1 Response


I wasn't a cooking expert but I tried the espresso cake for my daughter's bday and made me a star... but then i tried the sponge cake for my sons bday... the taste, texture, the chocolate ganache everything was good..only problem was the cake smelled egg. so pls let me know how to get rid of the eggy smell in the cakes.

1 Answer

Marli M. answered on 19 Jun 2019

Hi Elaiyarani,
Here are some tips we found that can help with lessening the smell of eggs in your cake:
1. Make sure you beat the eggs for long enough before incorporating them into the batter.
2. Some bakers say that removing the yolk's membrane and the little white gelatinous material that attaches to the yolk will take the smell away — you can do this by placing the egg yolk in a strainer and gently removing the membrane before using the yolk.
3. In white sponge cakes, using some vanilla extract or orange zest can help.

Hope this helps! Let us know if you find that these tips do the trick.

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