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shortcrust pastry

Christine B. | 12 Apr 2015 in Cooking School | 2 Responses

Hi there, I just made the yummy lemon tart from Sarah's recipe. When I tried to get the tart out of the tin (it has a loose bottom), I struggled as the pastry started to crumble. Am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks,

2 Answers

Beth D. answered on 13 Apr 2015

Hi Christine

Thanks for your post. We're sorry to hear that you had trouble with the tart base. I'm sure you had this covered, but did you remember to grease the baking tray? Also, did you make any substitutions to the base which might have affected the ratio of fat to flour?

Look forward to hearing from you,

Sarah G. answered on 29 Apr 2015

Hi Christine
Thanks for getting in touch about this. Did you try again and have any better luck?
Just checking if you definitely used butter and not marg? Butter helps to release the tart shell better. Also allow the tart to cool for about 10 minutes before trying to remove it from the pan. If you're still struggling after that perhaps you need to get a new non-stick pan, for an upcoming birthday or special occasion perhaps? :)
I hope it works better next time! It's one of my favourite recipes.
Best wishes, Sarah xx

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