Experience Bayab African Rose Gin, a 750ml blend of nine African botanicals sourced across the continent. Infused for 14 days, enjoy subtle rose water notes and a warm, dry finish, capturing the essence of Africa in every sip.
- African Rose Gin, 750ml
- Handmade with nine African botanicals sourced from across the African continent — from Ghana to Zambia
- Baobab, African rose petals, rose water, grapefruit, juniper berries, coriander, rosemary, cinnamon and coarse salt, are added to the neutral spirit for 14 days for bold flavour
- Earthy rose water notes made with subtlety and beautiful restraint
- Lingering citrus roots lend themselves to a warm dry finish
Bayab African Gin
Bayab is a versatile, high-quality gin from Africa, perfect for bars and home mixologists tired of overly complex, overly botanical gins. With a well-balanced, citrus-forward profile, Bayab features the distinct flavour of baobab fruit, complemented by botanicals sourced across Africa, delivering refreshing soul in every sip.